Project Panama: Unleashing native libraries

Track: Java Platform
Many native libraries offer powerful solutions to interesting problems that could greatly benefit Java developers. However, working with native code has traditionally been difficult on the Java platform. One had to contend with the boiler plate of writing JNI code in order to interact with native libraries. And it only got worse when trying to use native types, like structures, that have no java equivalent. Project Panama solves all these issues by introducing an FFI and Memory Access APIs that lets Java developers’ interop with native code seamlessly. Come to this session to learn more about how OpenJDK Project Panama can help you interact with native libraries seamlessly.
Tobi Ajila
Tobi is a Java Runtime developer for the J9 VM team in Ottawa, Canada. In the past, he has worked on Interpreter optimizations, JVMTI enhancements, JSR 335, and more. Currently, his main focus is on investigating checkpoint/restore technology at the JVM level.