Jakarta EE 11 - Performance and Developer Productivity

Track: JakartaEE
With a baseline on Java 21, Jakarta EE 11 has a focus on Performance and Developer Productivity. Built-in support for Virtual Threads and Records are some examples of this.

We will back the tape a little and look at how the namespace change from `javax.*` to `jakarta.*` in Jakarta EE 9 impacted the entire Java ecosystem. Then move on to the cool new features introduced in Jakarta EE 10 before embarking on an adventurous journey with Jakarta EE 11. Everything is backed up by live coding demos.

After this session, you will have an understanding of the fundamentals of Jakarta EE, as well as know how to quickly get started with Jakarta EE at your own pace.
Ivar Grimstad
Ivar Grimstad is the Jakarta EE Developer Advocate at Eclipse Foundation. He is a Java Champion and JUG Leader based in Sweden. Besides advocating the Jakarta EE technologies, Ivar is contributing to the Jakarta EE specifications as well as being the PMC Lead for Eclipse Enterprise for Java (EE4J). He is also one of the specification leads for Jakarta MVC and represents Eclipse Foundation in the JCP Executive Committee. Ivar is also involved in MicroProfile, Apache NetBeans, and a wide range of other open-source projects and communities. He is a frequent speaker at International developer conferences.