Generative DevOps

Track: Artificial Intelligence
AI’s capabilities for software development through code generation have become well known, with 81% of devs reporting using a coding assistant. However, this shift in the way developers write software has implications across the software development lifecycle. This talk highlights the importance of leveraging AI across all of your DevOps process – not just code. We’ll look at some exciting new use cases for testing, monitoring and observability, and continuous deployments, as well as strategies for ensuring a successful approach to integrating AI into DevOps on your team.
Cecelia Martinez
Cecelia Martinez is a developer, speaker, writer, and community leader. She is passionate about helping developers improve some of the most frustrating parts of their work – including testing, debugging, mobile app deployments, and fighting with YAML. She is known for her work at companies like Ionic, Replay, and Cypress, as well as her efforts to build inclusive developer communities by volunteering with Atlanta JavaScript, Out in Tech, and Women Who Code Mobile.