Death to the Monolith

Track: Architecture
Monolithic architecture has been the traditional approach for building web applications, but it often leads to a rigid, inflexible, and slow development process. Micro-frontends, on the other hand, allows for breaking down large, complex applications into smaller, more manageable pieces that can be developed, tested, and deployed independently. In this talk, we will learn how to say "death to the monolith" and embrace micro-frontends as an architecture pattern.

By exploring the problems with monolithic architecture we will discuss why it's time to move away from it. A monolithic architecture can lead to a lack of agility, difficulty in scaling, and an increased risk of failure. Meanwhile, a micro-frontend architecture pattern allows for a more flexible, scalable, and efficient development process.

Next, we will look at how an application composition platform provides a framework for creating and managing micro-frontends, including tools for versioning, testing, and deploying them. We will discuss how an application composition platform can help ensure consistency across micro-frontends by providing a centralized location for managing shared resources.

Finally, we will learn how embracing micro-frontend architecture with an application composition platform can enable organizations to become more agile and efficient. Additionally, we will explore how micro-frontend architecture can enable rapid prototyping, reduce time to market, and allow for easier scaling of applications.

Attendees of this talk will leave with a deeper understanding of the problems with monolithic architecture and the benefits of micro-frontend architecture. They will gain practical tips and strategies for building micro-frontends that are flexible, maintainable, and optimized for performance using an application composition platform. They will also learn how embracing micro-frontend architecture can enable organizations to become more agile and efficient in their development process.
Cody Frenzel
Cody is a Solutions Architect at Ippon Technologies and self-proclaimed software craft evangelist. He has over 10 years of experience as a full stack developer, with a passion for optimizing engineering workflows. In his free time he likes to play tennis competitively or go hiking with his dog King Louie.