Cloud-Native Symphony and Unravelling Challenges in Kubernetes Orchestration

Track: Artificial Intelligence
As cloud native architectures become increasingly popular, open source tools have become essential for managing and deploying cloud native applications. Kubernetes stands as a pivotal open-source cloud-native tool, revolutionizing the landscape of container orchestration. As a powerful container orchestration platform, It also introduces a set of challenges that organizations must navigate to ensure optimal performance, scalability, and security.
By embracing comprehensive monitoring solutions, organizations can ensure the resilience of their cloud-native deployments, optimize resource utilization, and mitigate potential risks, ultimately contributing to a robust and reliable digital infrastructure.
Mo Haghighi will begin the talk with an introduction to cloud native architecture, the benefits of microsevices architecture, and the challenges involved in adopting Kubernetes platform in the realm of multi-tenant environment.
We will then discuss open source monitoring systems such as Prometheus and Grafana that work complementarily with Kubernetes to provide detailed and visualised insights into the health of microservices.
Whether you are a developer, architect, or IT professional, this talk will provide valuable insights for leveraging open source tools in your own cloud native initiatives.
Mo Haghighi
Dr Mo Haghighi is distinguished engineer/director for Cloud Platform and Infrastructure at Discover Financial Services. His current focus is hybrid and multi-cloud strategy, application modernisation and automating application/workload migration across public and private clouds. Previously, he held various leadership positions as a program director at IBM, where he led Developer Ecosystem and Cloud Engineering teams in 27 countries across Europe, Middle East and Africa. Prior to IBM, he was a research scientist at Intel and a Java developer at Sun Microsystems/Oracle. Mo obtained a PhD in computer science, and his primary areas of expertise are distributed and edge computing, cloud native, IoT and AI, with several publications and patents in those areas. Mo is a regular keynote/speaker at major developer conferences including DevOpsCon, Java/Code One, Codemotion, DevRelCon, O’Reilly, The Next Web, DevNexus, IEEE/ACM, ODSC, AiWorld, CloudConf and Pycon.