AI Tools for Jakarta EE

Track: JakartaEE
Discover how AI-powered tools are reshaping Jakarta EE development by optimizing the entire development lifecycle.

Traditionally, developers have relied on archetypes, project generators, and visual designers to kickstart projects. But what happens when we add an AI language model to the mix? The result is an intelligent project generator that scaffolds domain-relevant Jakarta EE applications with both backend and frontend functionalities ready to go.

Join me to witness how AI-powered tools are transforming enterprise application development through real-world, cutting-edge demonstrations. Discover how AI-powered tools enhance productivity and streamline workflows in Apache NetBeans IDE and beyond, from creating a simple hello-world program to developing full-stack applications.
Gaurav Gupta
Gaurav Gupta is a Senior Software Engineer at Payara and the creator of Jeddict, an innovative, open-source, AI-powered Jakarta EE application development platform. As an Apache NetBeans Committer and an Eclipse GlassFish Committer, Gaurav brings extensive expertise and dedication to advancing these key open-source tools. His focus on enhancing developer productivity and Jakarta EE standards through cutting-edge technologies highlights his commitment to the open-source ecosystem and his mission to empower developers worldwide.