
Víctor Orozco holds a bachelor degree in Computer Science by Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala, and a master in Computer Science by Universidade Federal de Santa Maria (Brazil) awarded with a scholarship from the Organization of American States.

Currently he leads the Guatemala Java Users group (the biggest IT user group in Central America) and is one of the Duke’s Choice Award 2016 winners. Recently he was invited as instructor on the new micromasters (Java Fundamentals for Android).

“By day” he is the CTO and founder of Nabenik S.A. a software development studio for Central American market, focused on enterprise applications (mostly Java) and mobile development. He is also a member of the computer science deparment at Universidad Rafael Landivar (Guatemala) in charge of AI and Machine Learning areas.

Reaching the lambda heaven

One of the biggest jumps for developers productivity in Java 8 was the introduction of functional programming with lambda expressions and streams, being one of the most disruptive changes in decades.

Functional programing and consequently reactive programming are starting to gain traction, impacting software libraries, middleware stacks, and software arquitectures. Hence an imperative topic to catch up.

In this breakout we will explore basic concepts of functional programing and its orthogonal relation with object oriented programming, later we will discuss and try top-notch libraries that are being used in the industry, like Eclipse Collections, jOOQ/jOOL, JavaSlang and finally using these concepts in Vert.x microservices.