JUnit 5's Best Features

Track: Frameworks
The team that rewrote JUnit in version 5 did a fantastic job improving the platform while maintaining backward compatibility. Many Java developers don't realize how many new cool capabilities have been added to the framework since the initial 5.0 release. This talk will cover topics like the set of useful functional interfaces available, how to do parameterized tests with various sources, lazy loading of error messages, and more.
Kenneth Kousen
Ken Kousen is the author of the Pragmatic Programmers books "Mockito Made Clear" and "Help Your Boss Help You", the O'Reilly books "Kotlin Cookbook", "Modern Java Recipes", and "Gradle Recipes for Android", and the Manning book "Making Java Groovy". He is a regular speaker on the No Fluff, Just Stuff conference tour, and has spoken at conferences all over the world. He is a Java Champion, a JavaOne Rock Star, and a Devnexus Rock Star. In addition to various industry certifications, he has BS degrees in both Mathematics and Mechanical Engineering from M.I.T., an MA and Ph.D. in Aerospace Engineering from Princeton, and an MS in Computer Science from R.P.I.