Do you really need Hibernate?

Track: Frameworks
Projects often use Java Persistence API (JPA) by default and, thus, mostly Hibernate. But do all applications need a comprehensive object/relational mapping (ORM) with all conceivable functions?

This talk examines the architecture of database-centric applications and discusses whether you always need an object graph for persistence.

Using an example application, it is shown how pure SQL, with the help of jOOQ and (nested) Java Records simplifies data access and how common ORM problems, such as the n+1 select problem, can be avoided.
Finally, the possibility of combining jOOQ and JPA/Hibernate and thus using the best of both worlds is discussed.
Simon Martinelli
Simon Martinelli is the owner of 72 Services LLC and has been working as a software architect, developer, consultant, and trainer for 27 years, especially in the Java Enterprise environment. His current interest is increasing the efficiency of full-stack development with Java. Due to his commitment to the Vaadin/Hilla environment, he received the Vaadin Community Award. He regularly shares his knowledge in articles, speaks at international conferences, and writes his blog: Besides his work, he has been a lecturer at the Bern University of Applied Sciences for modern architecture and integrating distributed systems and persistence technologies with Java since 2007. And he is an expert group member of JSR-352 Java Batch and JSR-354 Money and Currency.