Unlocking Value from Time Series Data with Open Source Tools in Java

Track: Tools and techniques
Join Zoe, Developer Advocate at InfluxData, for a session where she will share how to take charge of your time series data with InfluxDB open source time series platform using Java. In this session, you’ll learn how open source tools like Telegraf and InfluxDB can help you build real-time applications faster and with less effort. We will also demo how to use InfluxDB to gain visibility and insight into your time-stamped data from the edge to the cloud.
zoe Steinkamp
Hi! My name is Zoe Steinkamp and I am a developer Advocate for influxData. I was a front end software engineer for over 6 years before I moved into a developer advocate role. I have been with InfluxDB for over 3 years and i look forward to sharing my knowledge of the platform and databases. I enjoy learning about awesome new technologies and doing at home tech projects to help make my life as well as other peoples lives easier. My passions besides new technology include traveling and gardening.