Demystifying The Dreaded A/B Test

Track: Web and Front-end
The A/B test! We've all thought it: "What's the point? How much configuration do we need?" If you're familiar with the scientific method, those steps carve out the path to experimentation and A/B testing. Everyone loves a good hypothesis right? I know I do. Melding the world of science and software can help alleviate the stresses of experiments and help to maximize impact of every feature. In this talk we will journey through what an A/B test is, defining goals for A/B testing your app, and rolling out features based on successful experiments.
Chris DeMars
Chris DeMars is a Developer Advocate at Split Software. He has over 20 years of technical experience and speaks all over the world on web accessibility, and CSS. For his community contributions, he holds awards as a Microsoft MVP, Google Developer Expert, Cloudinary Media Developer Expert, Auth0 Ambassador, and Progress Ninja. Chris advocates, teaches, and speaks on web accessibility as well as modern CSS; building applications with both at the forefront. When he is not working on making the web great and accessible you can find him writing blog posts, rating Detroit Style pizza, and watching Horror movies.