Spencer Gibb

Spencer Gibb


Spencer Gibb is a Software Engineer at VMware where he is the co-founder and lead of the Spring Cloud Core projects. He is a husband, father, and geek.

What’s New in Spring in 2022
Spring Framework 5, Spring Boot 2, and Spring Cloud have had stable versions since 2017-2018. This year each active Spring project will have a new major release. We will talk about the practical implications of changes to the Java baseline, Jakarta EE, native compilation, observability and more. We will discuss the support options for remaining on the existing generation. We will show what upgrading an existing application looks like using the latest milestones.
Spring Cloud Gateway Recipes
Spring Cloud Gateway is a developer-centric API gateway. An API gateway is an abstraction over a distributed systems architecture. The API Gateway is a natural place to provide cross-cutting concerns such as security, resiliency, and transformation. In this talk, we will discuss practical use cases that you may encounter. Some recipes we will discuss include: securing gateway with OAuth 2 and Spring Security and relaying tokens to services, rate-limiting using Spring Security and the logged-in user, implementing a backed-for-frontend using a scatter-gather technique and more.