Jonathan Meek

Jonathan Meek


Jonathan Meek is a Georgia native computer programmer, starting off in IT support in 2007 and holding various jobs in Quality Assurance, Configuration Management and Software Development. Currently he works for The Home Depot as a software developer. Jonathan loves learning about new things no matter what they are. He started this past year on running his first marathon and loves a good cup of coffee. He has been married to brightest aglie coach/baker he’s ever known, Melonie, for 7 years where they live with their two cats, Deacon & Rayna.

Making the Jump to JUnit 5
We talk about upgrades to our application libraries and our JVM versions but tend to leave our test code and libraries to last bit. This talk discusses some of the possible reasons why we wait on upgrading our test code and then shows some of the high-level changes that JUnit 5 brought. As with all good talks, there we be a walkthrough of taking some sample code and migrating it up to JUnit 5.