Tekton for Java Developers

Track: Cloud Technology
Abstract Recording

Adopting Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery (CI/CD) is key for organizations hoping to take advantage of the power and flexibility cloud platforms have to offer. Tekton is a framework for building CI/CD pipelines built using the Kubernetes API.

Like with Kubernetes, there is a steep learning curve involved in learning, Tekton particularly if you primarily approach it from a developer background. In this presentation we will get an overview of Tekton, familiar with the terms and technology in Tekton, and what parts of Tekton developers should be familiar with.

Billy Korando

Billy is a developer advocate with IBM and has over a decade of experience. Billy is passionate about finding ways to reduce mental capacity waste from tedious work; such as project initiation, deployment, testing and validation, and so on through automation and good management practices. Outside of work Billy enjoy traveling, playing kickball, and having his heartbroken by cheering on the Kansas City Chiefs.