Derek Keeler

Derek Keeler


Software development engineer focussing on OSS projects inside of Microsoft. I’ve recently switched to an engineering manager role, and am currently leading a small infrastructure team in support of Microsoft’s newly formed Java Platform Team.

AdoptOpenJDK - And how it impacts you in 2020
AdoptOpenJDK is rapidly becoming a leading provider of OpenJDK™ binaries. With over 125 million downloads in the last year, it is now a serious contender for your production usage of Java™. AdoptOpenJDK provides prebuilt OpenJDK™ binaries from a fully open-source set of build scripts and infrastructure. This talk will cover how we build on over 15 different platforms, execute over 60,000 tests and distribute OpenJDK™ binaries to millions of users. We will also cover how AdoptOpenJDK binaries compare against the Java™ binaries that you use today. If you're curious to understand more about our future roadmap, security and supporting platforms like Lego® Mindstorms® then this is the talk for you!