Ludovic Henry

Ludovic Henry


Ludovic Henry is a Runtime Engineer at Microsoft who worked on .NET (Mono and CoreCLR) and Java for the past 6 years. His focus has been on all Runtime related components, from JIT and AOT Compilers to Garbage Collectors, to Metadata and Class Loading, to integration to various platforms (Linux, macOS, Windows, Android, iOS, Consoles, WebAssembly, and others). He is currently working on the Java Platform team at Microsoft and strives to help all Java users by bringing ever more performance to their applications.

Improving Startup for Java Analytical Workload
With more and more services running on the Cloud, improving the startup of Java applications is paramount. Java 8 and Java 11 introduced many new features, with AOT Compilation and AppCDS being two of the major ones geared towards startup performance. In this talk, we'll explore what AOT Compilation brings to the Java developer, where it fits in the Code Generation pipeline, how to use it, where it works and where it doesn't.