James Ward

James Ward


James Ward is a nerd / software developer who shares what he learns with others though presentations, blogs, demos, and code. After over two decades of professional programming, he is now a self-proclaimed Typed Pure Functional Programming zealot but often compromises on his ideals to just get stuff done. After spending too many sleepless nights in data centers repairing RAID arrays, he now prefers higher-level cloud abstractions with appropriate escape hatches. James is a huge Open Source proponent, hoping to never get burned by lock-in again.

Kubernetes CI/CD Pipelines with Tekton
The Tekton open source project is a Continuous Integration / Continuous Delivery pipeline technology built on Kubernetes. It enables you to build a flexible delivery validation and delivery pipeline while taking advantage of a scalable and container-based cluster manager. This talk will introduce you to Tekton and help you learn its different components. Through live demos you will learn how to setup your own Kubernetes-based CI/CD pipeline with Tekton.
Fantastic Buildpacks and Where to Find Them
Adventure awaits you as we journey through the buildpack ecosystem. We'll discuss how to find buildpacks in the wild and examine their different habitats, including Google, Heroku, and Cloud Foundry. In this talk, you'll learn how to run buildpacks and where to find production ready buildpacks that are perfect for your app.
Google Cloud Native with Spring Boot
Spring Framework and Spring Boot made huge strides to make it easier than ever to develop the next generation of cloud native applications. More importantly, a number of Spring projects provides cloud-vendor agnostic abstractions to developers, so that with a simple configuration switch, you are able to move your local application to run in an on-prem datacenter, or in the cloud with managed services. Google and Pivotal partnered to develop Spring Cloud adapters for Google Cloud Platform. With Spring Cloud GCP, you can quickly develop cloud native applications & harness the power of Google infrastructure, including easy connection to GCP's managed databases, using Pub/Sub to send and receive messages, and other tools for tracing and monitoring your services. In this session, we'll build cloud native service with Spring Boot that: Takes advantage of Google Cloud Platform highly available managed services, such as Cloud SQL, Pub/Sub, Cloud Spanner. Deploys to managed environments, such as Kubernetes, App Engine, and Cloud Run. Operate the application by using monitoring, tracing, centralized logging, debugging, and profiling tools. Prereqs: A laptop with a Chrome browser.