Kenneth Kousen

Kenneth Kousen


Ken Kousen is a Java Champion, Oracle Groundbreaker Ambassador, and Grails Rock Star, and the author of the books Kotlin Cookbook (O’Reilly), Modern Java Recipes (O’Reilly), Gradle Recipes for Android (O’Reilly), and Making Java Groovy (Manning). He is a regular speaker on the No Fluff, Just Stuff Tour, and teaches training classes in areas related to Java, including Spring, Hibernate/JPA, Groovy, Grails, Gradle, and Android.

Functional Programming in Java, Groovy, and Kotlin
See how features of functional programming are implemented in three different JVM-based languages. Examples include how lambda expressions, method references, and streams are handled differently, as well as higher-order functions, closure composition, trampolining, currying, tail recursion, and more.
Kotlin Full Day Workshop
Kotlin is a JVM-based language from JetBrains that works well with Java frameworks like Spring and is the preferred language for Android. According to recent developer surveys, it is among the fastest growing and most desired languages in industry today. This workshop covers the features of Kotlin from basic topics, like nullability, val and var keywords, and the fundamental data types, to more advanced features like collections, sequences, functional programming, scope functions, and operator overloading. Exercises will include creating Kotlin scripts and classes, when to use top-level functions, working with existing libraries and domain-specific languages, and more. While Kotlin also provides multi-platform capabilities, this workshop will focus primarily on its relationship and interoperability with Java. No previous knowledge of Kotlin is required. Some familiarity with Java or a similar object-oriented language would be helpful.
Kotlin Recipes
This talk surveys many of the features of Kotlin through use cases that drive their adoption. The goal is not just to see what Kotlin can do, but to understand when and why to use it. Topics covered will include sorting and searching, windowed collections, when to use scope functions like apply, let, and also, how to use Kotlin to access RESTful web services and process the results, how to implement delegates, and more.