Open JDK Panel

Track: Open Java

Join the folks from all the major JDK distributions on this panel to hear about what’s happening with OpenJDK and on the JVM.

Dan Heidinga

Dan Heidinga is an Eclipse OpenJ9 project lead while also leading IBM’s J9 VM Interpreter team. He has been involved with virtual machine development since 2007 and has represented IBM on multple JSRS include JSR 292 (‘invokedynamic’) and JSR 335 (‘lambda’). He has his hands in most new JVM features and all major Java releases. In the past he’s spent entirely too long staring at Java bytecode while maintaining the verifier and still enjoys an occasional detour into Smalltalk development. As of this year, he’s also an CodeOne Rockstar.

Yishai Galatzer
Dmitry Chuyko

Dmitry Chuyko is a performance engineer at BellSoft, which is among the top 5 contributors to OpenJDK. Before joining BellSoft, Dmitry programmed in Java, and then worked on Hotspot JVM in Oracle. After all, previous experience with Java has shown that the most interesting problems in applications get their solutions in the base platform. Currently Dmitry mostly optimizes OpenJDK for x86 and ARM, the company even implemented its own optimizing JEP 315 in Java 11. BellSoft releases and supports Liberica JDK — a verified distribution of OpenJDK. Liberica is available in the form of binary assemblies, installers and container images for different operating systems and processors. Therefore, now the focus of attention is the work of various versions of Java in containers.

Simon Ritter

Simon Ritter is the Deputy CTO of Azul Systems. Simon joined Sun Microsystems in 1996 and spent time working in both Java development and consultancy. He has been presenting Java technologies to developers since 1999 focusing on the core Java platform.