Rafael Benevides


Rafael Benevides is Director of Developer Experience at Red Hat. With many years of experience in several fields of the IT industry, he helps developers and companies all over the world to be more effective in software development. Rafael considers himself a problem solver who has a big love for sharing. He is a member of Apache DeltaSpike PMC - a Duke’s Choice Award winner project, and a speaker in conferences like JavaOne, Devoxx, TDC, DevNexus and many others.

Java Microservices Patterns & Practices with Kubernetes/OpenShift and Istio
Already familiar with the Kubernetes and OpenShift concepts and features? Then you're ready for the next step! Now you need to learn how Kubernetes and a Service Mesh (Istio) can provide you out-of-box and transparently features like service discovery, load balancing, tracing, and circuit breaking. Without having to add a single line of code or @Annotation! Come to this workshop to build your own small cluster of Java Microservices with Spring Boot and Eclipse Vert.x on top of Kubernetes/OpenShift and Istio. Then you will be able to unleash your developer powers on your project without having to worry too much with your infrastructure details anymore!
12 Factors to Cloud success
Challenged by the highly automated, virtualized and scalable infrastructure that Cloud enables? We now have a whole new set of restrictions and capabilities that demands we shift the way we architect our applications. Luckily enough, we already have a set of best practices given to us by brave cloud pioneers. Some of these best practices are collated as the “12 Factor Apps” (12factor.net). And how can you apply these practices in this new containerized world? Dive with us into the 12-factor methodology and check how each one of the factors can be applied and even empowered by Linux container technologies such as Docker and Kubernetes. We don’t judge, so we’ll demo everything in a language and platform-agnostic way. Regardless of your choices, you’ll never think about your application architecture the same way again.