Christian Posta


Christian Posta (@christianposta) is a Chief Architect of cloud applications at Red Hat and well known in the community for being an author (Microservices for Java Developers, O’Reilly 2016), frequent blogger, speaker, open-source enthusiast and committer on various open-source projects. Christian has spent time at web-scale companies and now helps companies create and deploy large-scale, resilient, distributed architectures - many of what we now call Microservices. He enjoys mentoring, training and leading teams to be successful with distributed systems concepts, microservices, devops, and cloud-native application design.

An eventful journey from enterprise integration to serverless
As technology evolves, we’re seeing new ways of connecting applications and services with more options for economically efficient approaches. In this talk we help you understand how event-driven architectures continue to evolve in a cloud-native and containerized world, by comparing and contrasting enterprise integration, event-driven microservices, data streaming and serverless.