Kito Mann


Kito D. Mann is the Principal Consultant at Virtua, Inc. (, specializing in enterprise application architecture, training, development, and mentoring with Web Components, Polymer, Angular, JavaServer Faces, and Java EE technologies. He is also the editor-in-chief of (, co-host of the Enterprise Java Newscast (, and the author of JavaServer Faces in Action (Manning). Mann has participated in several Java Community Process expert groups (including CDI, JSF and Portlets) and is also an internationally recognized speaker. He holds a BA in Computer Science from Johns Hopkins University.

Test Automation with Selenium WebDriver, Java, and JUnit
With support for every major browser (including mobile browsers) and bindings for many languages, there is no doubt that Selenium WebDriver is the most popular open source browser automation tool. Combined with the latest version of JUnit and smart techniques like the Page Object pattern, you can build a foundation for quality integration, functional and regression testing. You can even execute tests in the cloud against different browser / OS combinations. Come to this session to learn how you can get the most out of Selenium WebDriver.
Parallel Universe: Java Developer’s Guide to Front-End Development
You’ve been comfortable building back-end services in Java or using a Java web framework, but now you must build an application using a JavaScript framework like Angular, React, Polymer, Ember, Backbone, or a home-grown mismatch of jQuery and custom code. Suddenly you have entered an alternative universe with foreign terms like “bower”, “node”, “npm”, “webpack”, “AMD”, “CommonJS”, “ES6”, “ES2015”, “TypeScript”, “Babel”, “gulp”, “grunt”, “shim”, “polyfill”, and more. What do they all mean, and how are they related to each other? More importantly, how do they compare to what we know and love in the Java universe? Join us as we explore another universe.