Offline-first apps with WebComponents

Track: Web
Skill Level: Beginner
Room: Room A405
Time Slot: Fri 2/24, 2:30 PM
Tags: mobile , web components , progressive web apps , polymer , offline first design
Presentation Link

We will explore how to boost the usability of web and mobile-web apps by implementing offline-first functionalities, it’s the only way to guarantee 100% always on user experience. Low signal or no connectivity should no longer be a blocker for the user, we will discuss the available solutions for caching, in-browser database, and data replication. We will also take a look at how WC such as Polymer and Vaadin Elements help solving those issues out of the box. There will be a live coding demo to see how it’s simple to manipulate a large data, completely offline.

AMahdy Abdelaziz

International technical speaker, Google developer expert (GDE), trainer and developer advocate. Passionate about Web and Mobile apps development, including PWA, offline-first design, in-browser database, and cross platform tools. Also interested in Android internals such as building custom ROMs and customize AOSP for embedded devices.