Modern batch processing with Spring Batch

Track: Tools
Skill Level: Intermediate
Room: Room A313
Time Slot: Thu 2/23, 4:00 PM
Tags: batch , spring , cloud
Presentation Link

This talk will explore the latest release of Spring Batch as well as how to utilize it in a modern cloud environment. We will work through building a cloud native batch process using Spring’s stack including Spring Batch, Spring Cloud Task, and other cloud tools as well as dive into what makes developing batch processes for the cloud both attractive as well as easy!

Michael Minella

Michael Minella is a software engineer, teacher, speaker, and author with over 15 years of enterprise development experience. He currently works for Pivotal as the project lead for the Spring Batch and Spring Cloud Task projects as well as an instructor at DePaul University. Michael has spoken on a number of java, Spring, and big data topics and is a JavaOne Rockstar. He was a member of the expert group for JSR-352 (java batch processing). Michael is the author of Pro Spring Batch from Apress and the popular Refcard JUnit and EasyMock.

Outside of the daily grind, Michael enjoys spending time with his family and enjoys woodworking, photography and InfoSec hobbies.