How (Not) To Measure and Profile Java Performance

Track: Performance
Skill Level: Intermediate
Room: Room A316
Time Slot: Thu 2/23, 10:30 AM
Tags: java , performance , profiling

Today, we all benefit from the sophistication of modern compilers and hardware, but that extra complexity can also make it difficult to reason about performance.

In this talk, we’ll examine some surprising performance cases and learn how to
use profiling and benchmarking tools to better understand our modern execution environments.

Doug Hawkins

Douglas Hawkins has been passionately developing software for the past 10 years – creating applications for bioinformatics, finance, and retail.

However, Doug’s true interest has always been in exploring and explaining the low-levels inside the virtual machines that we use everyday. To make byte code more accessible, he created the open-source Java Assembler Kit (JAK) which provides a fluent API for producing Java byte code and includes a REPL to allow for interactive experimentation.

Recently, Doug moved to Sunnyvale CA to pursue his interest in VMs full-time as a VM Engineer at Azul Systems.