Get to know the research, development and implementation process of Red Hats UX solution.
The presentation will demonstrate how the framework PatternFly was created and applied to the Open Source projects Aerogear and FeedHenry. It’ll also show the importance of design consistency across different products within a compony.
This session will show:
At the end of the talk people will get to know the importance of a common UI to achieve a good user experience, and get to know the challenges of building an enterprise UX framework. The goal of this presentation is not to show Bootstrap or PatternFly, but to take them as an example of how to build a design guideline for any company.
Andrés Galante has been crafting interfaces for the last 14 years. He’s currently part of Red Hat’s UXD Team and a member of the Aerogear community. He is a core committer at PatternFly.
He is also co-founder and designer at Outclass, a startup that connects students, parents, teachers and schools.
He lives in Buenos Aires, Argentina.