The Adventurous developers guide to JVM langs

Track: JVM Languages
Skill Level: Beginner
Room: Room A305
Time Slot: Tue 2/16, 10:30 AM
Tags: jvm languages

There are more than 50 actively worked JVM languages in existence today. Some have been ported to the JVM, whereas others were written specifically for the JVM. This hands-on session takes an introductory (but non-Hello, World) look at several JVM languages, including Java 8, Scala, Groovy, Kotlin, Ceylon and Xtend. It covers ZeroTurnaround’s initial experiences, including what rocked and sucked in learning each one. You don’t need any prior knowledge of these languages to attend the session. You will learn whether they are for you and will hear about some real-life experiences of trying these languages for the first time.

Simon Maple

Simon is a Developer Advocate at ZeroTurnaround, a Java Champion since 2014, JavaOne Rockstar speaker in 2014, Virtual JUG founder and organiser, London Java Community co-leader and RebelLabs author. He is an experienced speaker, having presented at JavaOne, JavaZone, Jfokus, DevoxxUK, DevoxxFR, JavaZone, JMaghreb and many more including many JUG tours. His passion is around user groups and communities. When not traveling, Simon enjoys spending quality time with his family, cooking and eating great food.