Cloud Native Apps with Spring Cloud

Track: Microservices + Security
Skill Level: Intermediate
Room: Room 105
Time Slot: Wed 3/11, 1:00 PM
Tags: java , spring , cloud
Presentation Link

Do you want to build a cloud native application and don’t know where to start? How do services find each other? How do I configure many instances of each service? How do I see what’s going on with my services?

If you’ve ever asked any of these questions, this session will give you some answers using Spring Cloud and Netflix OSS to create microservices that are robust, discoverable, scalable and configurable.

Learn basic concepts about Spring Cloud and Netflix OSS and how they are integrated. See demos of and learn how to use the following:

  • Spring Cloud Config Server (distributed configuration)
  • Eureka (service registration and discovery)
  • Hystrix (circuit breaker/fault tolerance library)
  • Hystrix Dashboard (service health dashboard)
  • Ribbon (client side load balancing, including RestTemplate integration)
  • Feign (easy rest clients)
  • Zuul (routing)
  • Spring Cloud Bus (distributed Spring Boot actuator)
Spencer Gibb

Spencer Gibb is a Software Engineer for Pivotal, Inc.

His interests include distributed systems, jvm languages, web services frameworks, message-driven architectures and making software development simpler. He loves to create software to solve a pain point, such as creating a tool to automate workstation setup in his free time.

At Pivotal he works on Spring Cloud.

His industry experience has taken him from early e-commerce platforms to government and non-profit organizations to business intelligence startups. He has extensive java experience and experience in other languages such as scala and python. His database experience runs from Oracle and MySQL to Riak and Cassandra.

His blog is located at http://spencer.gibb.u