Keeping It Clean - Lessons learned from Open Source on how to polish code

Track: Agile
Skill Level: Intermediate
Room: Room 103
Time Slot: Thu 3/12, 2:30 PM
Tags: java , spring , oss , git , clean code , agile
Presentation Link

Creating clean, consistent, readable code is not easy. It’s especially difficult with Open Source where many different contributors can add code. This talk covers some of the techniques that we use in the Spring project to keep Java code clean, and shows how you can apply them within your own team.

We’ll discuss some of the formatting, refactoring and naming techniques that we use, and show some real examples of how code has been changed and improved over time. We’ll also talk about how you can use Git inside your organization, how you can run internal projects in a similar way to Open Source and how applying disciplines and constraints can really enhance your code!

Phillip Webb

Phil Webb is a Spring Framework developer and co-creator of the Spring Boot project. Prior to joining Pivotal and relocating to California, Phil worked for a number of UK technology companies.