
Track: Alternative Languages
Skill Level: Intermediate
Room: Room 104
Time Slot: Tue 2/25, 2:30 PM
Tags: spock , groovy , testing , junit

Spock is a groovy based testing framework that leverages all the “best practices” of the last several years taking advantage of many of the development experience of the industry. So combine Junit, BDD, RSpec, Groovy and Vulcans… and you get Spock!

This is a significant advancement in the world of testing.

This session assumes some understanding of testing and junit and builds on it. We will introduce and dig deep into Spock as a test specification and mocking tool. This is a workshop which requires a laptop that includes Java and an editor which includes the ability to run JUnit tests.

Ken Sipe

Ken is an international speaker on the subject of software engineering speaking at conferences such as JavaOne, JavaZone, Jax-India, and The Strange Loop. He is a regular speaker with NFJS where he is best known for his architecture and security hacking talks. In 2009, Ken was honored by being awarded the JavaOne Rockstar Award at JavaOne in SF, California and the JavaZone Rockstar Award at JavaZone in Oslo, Norway as the top ranked speaker.