Retro Gaming with Lambdas

Track: Java
Skill Level: Intermediate
Room: Ballroom C
Time Slot: Tue 2/25, 2:30 PM
Presentation Link

Lambda expressions are coming in Java 8 and dramatically change the programming model. They allow new functional programming patterns that were not possible before, increasing the expressiveness and power of the Java language.

In this university session, you will learn how to take advantage of the new lambda-enabled Java 8 APIs by building out a retro video game in JavaFX.

Some of the Java 8 features you will learn about include enhanced collections, functional interfaces, simplified event handlers, and the new stream API. Start using these in your application today leveraging the latest OpenJDK builds so you can prepare for the future Java 8 release.

Stephen Chin

Stephen Chin is the Lead Java Community Manager at the Oracle Technology Network, author of Raspberry Pi with Java, co-author of Pro JavaFX Platform, and JavaOne Community Chair. He has keynoted numerous Java conferences around the world including JavaOne, where he is a 5-time Rock Star Award recipient. Stephen is an avid motorcyclist who has done several Pan-European evangelism tours, interviewing hackers in their natural habitat and posting the videos on When he is not traveling, he enjoys teaching kids how to do embedded and robot programming together with his 13 year old daughter.