
Track: Data + Integration
Skill Level: Intermediate
Room: Room 102
Time Slot: Mon 2/18, 4:00 PM
Presentation Link

Storm is a distributed realtime computation system. Similar to how Hadoop provides a set of general primitives for doing batch processing, Storm provides a set of general primitives for doing realtime computation. Storm is simple, can be used with any programming language, and is a lot of fun to use! We will talk about how Storm is architected, how to interoperate with Hadoop, and a few real-world use-cases.

Brad Anderson

Brad Anderson has been wrangling data for 20 years, more recently building and using non-relational data stores. He works as a solution architect, assisting clients in their use of MapR’s technology-leading Hadoop distribution. Previously, Brad has worked on a large-scale video-on-demand platform, smart grid analytics, a real-time audience participation platform, helped Cloudant build their hosted NoSQL offering based on CouchDB, and organized the NoSQL East 2009 conference in Atlanta.