No application is an island and this is more obvious today than ever as applications extend their reach into people’s pockets, desktops, tablets, TVs, blueray players and cars. What’s a modern developer to do to support these many platforms? In this talk, join Josh Long to learn how Spring can extend your reach through (sometimes Spring Security OAuth-secured) RESTful services exposed through Spring MVC, HTML5 and client specific rendering thanks to Spring Mobile, and powerful, native support for Android with Spring Android.
Josh (@starbuxman) is the Spring Developer Advocate at Pivotal. Josh is a Java Champion, author of 5 books (including O’Reilly’s upcoming Cloud Native Java: Designing Resilient Systems with Spring Boot, Spring Cloud, and Cloud Foundry) and 3 best-selling video trainings (including Building Microservices with Spring Boot Livelessons with Spring Boot co-founder Phil Webb), and an open-source contributor (Spring Boot, Spring Integration, Spring Cloud, Activiti and Vaadin)