This talk is an experience report on using Clojure in production systems, based on Stuart’s Clojure experiences:
If you are considering whether, or how, to bring Clojure into your organization, this talk is filled with practical advice, from the high level to the gritty details.
@stuarthalloway is a founder and President of Cognitect (formerly Relevance). He is a Clojure committer, and a developer of the
Datomic database.
Stuart has spoken at a variety of industry events, including StrangeLoop, Clojure/conj, EuroClojure, ClojureWest, SpeakerConf, QCon, GOTO, OSCON, RailsConf, RubyConf, JavaOne, and NFJS.
Stuart has written a number of books and technical articles. Of these,
he is most proud of Programming Clojure.