Insider's View of Hibernate 3.0

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This presentation will focus on Hibernate and the relationship between Hibernate and the upcoming EJB 3 feature set. Highlighted will be new features in Hibernate 3.0 including inheritance mapping, temporal and regional data, and the ability to use Hibernate along with hand-written SQL as a JDBC framework.

Gavin King

Gavin is the founder of the Hibernate project, the leading persistence solution for Java. He is an active member of the JSR-220 expert group, and contributed heavily to the design of EJB 3.0. With Christian Bauer, he was author of /Hibernate in Action/. Gavin works for JBoss, Inc, leading the development of Hibernate, implementing EJB 3.0, and providing services to JBoss customers. He lives in Melbourne, Australia, and Atlanta, Georgia.