
I studied Computer Engineering and Mathematics in school a long time ago, and have thoroughly enjoyed my career course ever since - primarily teaching and software development and primarily on the web stack. I gained experience in education, aerospace manufacturing, and insurance, and eventually joined Microsoft with the goal of informing and inspiring software developers. I authored my first book CSS for Windows 8 App Development, published a couple of courses on, and try to keep up with audiences via my blog and my Twitter feed @codefoster. When I’m not working, I’m working on maker projects, spending time with my wife and two sons, hiking and camping, sailing, scuba diving, or working on house projects.

Rx.js Cleans Up the Async JavaScript Mess

Async in JavaScript is totally a thing. Actually, it’s like 4 things, and therein lies the problem. Not only are some of the async patterns in JavaScript flawed, but we often find ourselves in situations where we have to use multiple async strategies at the same time. Talk about a mess!
Rx.js is one of the coolest things I’ve seen in the field of computer science in my career. Not only is it a solid implementation of the observable pattern available in many different languages, but it’s also a collection of manipulations to those streams that essential does for events what array functions do for arrays.
Streams aren’t the answer to every async woe, but for countless scenarios it’s absolutely ideal. By ideal I mean that it does what you’re trying to do faster, cleaner, safer, and with more elegance and brevity.
Come learn about the observable library that Netflix and the Angular 2 team chose.