
Nic is a skilled application developer who has released several native and hybrid mobile applications to iTunes and Google Play. He writes about his development experiences related to making web and mobile app development easier to understand and has experience in Android, Node.js, Apache Cordova, Java, NoSQL, SQL, GoLang, NativeScript, and Unity3D.

Couchbase: NoSQL & The Bridge Between

The document NoSQL model can seem scary coming from a RDBMS that had a language and a well defined structure for querying data. Instead of running SQL queries to get data you typically find yourself modeling your data to match the query capabilities of the system or doing lots of work in the application based on key-value access. In Couchbase it doesn’t have to be that way.

Learn some best practices around modeling your NoSQL data and see various ways to query that data using Couchbase’s new N1QL query language. Then you will get a sense of what application development is like in the context of a sample web application and Couchbase’s SDKs for Java, Node.js, C# and others.

Create Scalable and Secure Mobile Apps that Work Offline

With the advent of the digital transformation in today’s always-connected world, users expect to have a mobile experience that is immediate, pervasive, and aware. In this way, it is crucial to build apps that meet these expectations. Specifically, it’s building mobile apps that are always available, regardless of network connectivity and speed.

Users expect a great experience when using their mobile apps. If an app doesn’t provide this, then users won’t use it – it’s that simple. In the past, this has mostly meant a beautiful and intuitive interface, which is important but not the whole story.

In this session, you’ll learn how to build a mobile app that has a consistent user experience, both online and offline. This includes:

• Syncing the data
• Storing the data
• Securing the data
• Cross platform data modeling

You’ll walk away with an understanding of the design patterns required to build an app that works online and offline – all this, using open source technologies.

Traveling with a NoSQL Database, a Full Stack Java Adventure

In this workshop we will talk about what is different about this generation of web applications and how a solid development approach must consider the latency, throughput and interactivity demand by users across both mobile devices, web browsers, and IoT. We will demonstrate how to include Couchbase in such applications to support a flexible data model and easy scalability required for modern development.

In this workshop we’ll see how to build a full stack web application that uses Java, AngularJS, and Couchbase. We’ll see how to make use of Couchbase’s new SQL-like query language, N1QL, using the latest Java SDK, to speed up our development process, eliminating lengthy and unmanageable code that might typically be seen in a NoSQL application.

Traveling with a NoSQL Database, a Full Stack Java Adventure, Part II

In this workshop we will talk about what is different about this generation of web applications and how a solid development approach must consider the latency, throughput and interactivity demand by users across both mobile devices, web browsers, and IoT. We will demonstrate how to include Couchbase in such applications to support a flexible data model and easy scalability required for modern development.

In this workshop we’ll see how to build a full stack web application that uses Java, AngularJS, and Couchbase. We’ll see how to make use of Couchbase’s new SQL-like query language, N1QL, using the latest Java SDK, to speed up our development process, eliminating lengthy and unmanageable code that might typically be seen in a NoSQL application.