Using WebDriver for in-browser testing with Edge, Chrome and Firefox

Track: HTML5
Skill Level: Intermediate
Room: Room A311
Time Slot: Wed 2/17, 10:30 AM
Tags: browser testing

WebDriver is the W3C spec that brings Selenium-style browser testing and control to HTML5 compliant browswers. Internet Explorer released an early peek at WebDriver support with IE 11 in 2014, and a more mature support became available with Edge in 2015. We’ll look at how to set up a Windows 10 based WebDriver testing environment that allows us to address Edge, Chrome, and Firefox, and run some basic automated tests across the three.

Greg Bulmash

Greg Bulmash once wrote a joke that went so viral it became an urban legend, and it still circulates nearly 20 years later. He started in tech by publishing jokes and humorous essays to his own web site, eventually rising to become Senior Editor of the Internet Movie Database ( In 2005, he dusted off his BASIC programming skills from the 80s, taught himself some of the programming languages that power the web, and pivoted into a career writing code and communicating with developer audiences. He currently works as a Technical Evangelist for Login with Amazon and in his spare time runs Seattle CoderDojo, a volunteer group where local tech professionals help kids learn computer programming.

He’s spoken at OSCON, CascadiaJS, DevNexus, Apps World North America, and multiple meetups about web development, programming, and teaching kids how to code.