
Dr. Joonas Lehtinen is the founder of Vaadin project, a Java-based framework for building awesome web UI easily in Java. He is the founder and CEO of the company behind the Vaadin framework and leads a team of 80 engineers who are mostly working in European timezones. While not in a hangout to 10 time zones away from Vaadin’s Silicon Valley offices, Joonas keeps failing in getting rid of his Finnish accent.

Vaadin and Web Components

The upcoming web components standard promises encapsulation and isolation between web UI components so that they can be reused. The standard is built on shadow DOM, customer HTML elements, HTML import and CSS sandboxing. While each of these is interesting by its own right, the combination of these tools has a potential to simplify web platform and empower developers building larger applications.

The value proposition is really close to that of component based frameworks like Vaadin: Make building good quality user interfaces easy with a powerful encapsulation. Are Java frameworks on a crash course with web components or could they complement each other?

Let me present you A new research project that answers what Vaadin has to do with web components. Is Polymer related? How GWT fits in? Which is the right way to go - Java or JavaScript for the user interface layer? Or both?

In this session we will demo what Vaadin team has been building on top of web components standards for a while. Differences between and vision for convergence of web development and Java is discussed.