Joel Webber


Joel Webber is a co-creator of the Google Web Toolkit, and focuses on bringing the web to the cutting edge of interactive application development. When not hacking WebKit, wrestling compiler bugs, and dealing with browser quirks, he spends his spare time building games and graphics libraries. Prior to joining Google, he worked in mobile development and the game industry.

Porting Your Game to the Web using NaCl

This talk will introduce Native Client, covering the nuances of porting your existing C++ game. We’ll talk about the application specific problems, how to deal with the Pepper Thread, along with platform APIs like FileIO, rendering and Audio. In addition we’ll cover common issues with the Chrome Web store, distribution, and monetization. Finally, we’ll be talking about exciting news and roadmaps for native client moving forward. If you’re interested in NaCl, or want to learn more, this is the talk for you!

Introduction to the PlayN Cross-Platform Game Library

This session will introduce you to the cross-platform game library we created in the process of porting Rovio’s “Angry Birds” to the browser, which we’ve called “PlayN”. You’ll learn how to use this library to write games in Java that run on modern web browsers, as well as on Flash and as Android and iOS apps. We’ll also discuss some of the challenges of building games that target the web, from arithmetic and rendering performance, to rendering and audio bugs, hiding network lag, and avoiding garbage collection pauses.