Mark Fisher


Mark has been a member of the Spring team for over a decade, contributing to the Spring Framework and several other projects. He founded Spring Integration in 2007 and is one of the authors of Spring Integration in Action, published by Manning in 2012. Currently he co-leads Spring Cloud Data Flow and contributes to other Spring Cloud projects.

Introduction to Spring AMQP

The Spring AMQP project’s goal is to simplify development of messaging applications based on the AMQP protocol. Spring AMQP provides convenient abstractions that promote a POJO based programming model. If you are familiar with Spring’s JMS support, you will feel right at home. In this session, we will begin with a quick overview of AMQP itself. Then, we will take a tour of Spring AMQP features such as publishing messages, converting message content, and creating multithreaded consumers. The session will include several demos using the RabbitMQ broker.

The Cloudy Future of Integration

Applications are increasingly facing demands for horizontal scalability and cross-platform interoperability. NoSQL data stores are gaining momentum as a way to address the scalability challenges. Messaging systems, on the other hand, are by their very nature able to handle widely distributed deployment models, but for Java developers, the cross-platform challenge suggests we should look beyond JMS. Open protocols such as HTTP, SMTP, and AMQP are attractive language-neutral alternatives.

In this session, you will learn how the Spring application platform is evolving to accommodate these trends. We’ll explore the Spring Data APIs for working with a variety of NoSQL data stores, and we’ll compare and contrast several open protocol options for both synchronous and asynchronous messaging via Spring Integration Gateways and Channel Adapters.